perm filename VIEWS[AI,BGB] blob sn#130782 filedate 1974-11-15 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00006 00003	The most serious stumbling block
C00007 00004	II. A. Scenerio of a Theory of Natural Intelligence.
C00009 00005	II. B. Scenerio of a Theory of Artificial Intelligence.
C00010 00006	II. C. Scenerio of a Theory of Human Intelligence.
C00012 00007	III. Scenerio of a National Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
C00013 00008	IV. Artificial Intelligence and the Stanford A.I. Lab
C00014 00009	V. Mechanistic view of Mysticism.
C00015 ENDMK
                      Bruce G. Baumgart

I. A Mechanistic Weltanschauung.
	The following premises outline an extreme mechanistic view of
mind,  matter, machines and men  combined with an  optimistic view of
the future of science, technology and society. 
1. I believe  that there is  a knowable physical explaination  to the
phenomena of counsciousness.

2.  I believe that  computers can be  programmed to  be counscious in
much the way that humans are couscious and better.

3. I believe  that a result  of the discovery  of an explaination  of
consciousness  will  be the  transcendence  of  humanity into  a  new
evolution of intellectual entities.

4.  I believe  that the dangers of Faust,  Frankenstein, 1984, Future
Shock,  the Terminal Man,  the Six Million  Dollar Man  and a Luddite
Rebellion are real but overestimated. 

5. I believe that medicine will soon (in 1 to 200 years) stumble into
some interim cure for death (by  means of body transplants,   hormone
controls, genetic controls or whatever) that will  allow a human half
life of around one thousand years.

6.  I believe that men  will not suddenly be  replaced by robots, but
that they  will  augment  themselves until  the  distinction  between
biological  intellectual entities  and non-bio intellectual  entities
becomes moot.

7. I believe that  in principle it is possible to  duplicate a person
by totally  encoding the mind, personality and  soul on some suitable
media to run on some suitable intrepreter.

8. I  believe that the  individualization of mind  is an  artifact of
an evolution (sex, death and selection of the species) which created
The most serious stumbling block

	further (and perhaps final)
	demythologization of man

	Coperican and Darwin theories
	(opponents of the latter, even to this day,
	come to my door with leaflets)
	potentially requires a "diminished" view of the
	value of the life of an individual
II. A. Scenerio of a Theory of Natural Intelligence.


Stimulus-Response Level-1 Creatures.

Perceptual Feedback Level-2 Creatures.
	Simulated Reality Sync.

Lingusistic Reality Level-X Creatures.

Cybernetic Reality Level-Y Creatures.

Multi Reality Level-Z Creatures.

	Necessities: individual survival
		basal ganglia computations
		blood pressure, air,
	Drives: thrist,



	Learning Physical Coordination/ Cerebellum Programming.

Time Sequencing / Circadian 
II. B. Scenerio of a Theory of Artificial Intelligence.

	An intellectual entity  is distinguished from  other physical
systems in  that it has "memory"  which is symbolically "intrepreted"
to determine  the  "behavior"  of  the entity.  Small  animals,  some
aircraft, men, computers, groups of people, civilizations and humanity
as a whole are all examples of intellectual entities.

Sub-Systems of an Intellectual Entity:

	Computation, Perception, Manipulation,
	Locomotion, Reproduction, Communication,


II. C. Scenerio of a Theory of Human Intelligence.

	This scenerio depicts human mental  physiology and psychology
as  a computer  system analogy  - many  have gone  down this  line of
thinking before - points are scored plausible fiction as well  as for
assembling facts.

Size of Memory

Size of Processor

Nature and locations of various kinds of memory

	reading the memory - Cerebellum, Cerebrum
	writing the memory
	stored programs
	read only programs

Elements of Counsciousness...

	Attention/Job schudeluler
	The interupt system - the reticular activating structure.

Elements of Selfhood...

	1. Isolation of self in the perceived reality.
	(lack of element 1: i.e. feeling of being at one with the universe)

	2. self as a physical object
	(lack of element 2: i.e. Astral Projection, out of bodiedness,

	3. self as a social object (e.g. vis'a'vis first childhood memories)
	guilt, responsibility, ego (non-Freudian),
III. Scenerio of a National Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

	What would you do (or what could be done) if artificial
intelligence became a top national priority

IV. Artificial Intelligence and the Stanford A.I. Lab

	Subtitle: Have I changed or has the Lab changed...

	First off, the Lab seemed subjectively "better" in the
good olde days (circa 1969). The machine seemed to respond faster
and the people seemed to form a better commmunity.

	That is probably an illusion:
the Rancho Arm never worked right on any given day,
restoring the file system from tape was inconvenient,
GOGAL was a bigger pain than SAIL and although people were fewer
V. Mechanistic view of Mysticism.

	Baba Ram Das
	Lysergic Acid Dyeythalimide